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The Truth about your Business’s Productivity Problem: and How To Solve It

Updated: May 12

5 expert strategies to eliminate inefficiency and boost productivity in the office (FOR GOOD!)


Unproductive work and a dreary workforce is just a part of life, right?


Encouraging your employees to finish everything on time is oftentimes stressful. Low productivity coupled with high procrastination levels is one of the biggest killers in business. It’s hard to see coming, infecting your team and burrowing further and further into your workplace culture, destroying output levels and increasing costs. We doubt you want any of that – it’s time to learn how to eradicate low productivity for good…

Plummeting productivity, skyrocketing procrastination, and crippling human inefficiency inside your business are all symptoms of one key problem, a central root cause. “So what’s the problem?” you may be wondering.

Low morale.

Think back to when you first started in the world of work, picture where you spent your working hours. As an employee, which sounds the more appealing company to work at:

  1. A dull & dry workplace with unnecessary & draining office politics, where everyone is burnt out, tired of their job and just wants a break?

  2. Or, a high-energy, empowered workplace full of high morale, productive camaraderie, and a positive atmosphere!

A man being unproductive at work compared to a productive, high morale team

Which option do you think would allow you to work the most productively?

Unsurprisingly, the overwhelming majority of sane people (including me, the writer of this article) would choose option two. So shouldn’t you be striving towards making your workplace more like the second option, rather than the first? Just think about it: the happier you are at work, the harder you can (and will) work without getting burnt out. If that’s not productivity, we don’t know what is.

Moving onto the solution. Here’s our list of the 5 most effective methods to magnify morale and reduce procrastination, starting today. 


5. Setup a Simple Employee Recognition Program

A well-thought-out recognition program can be a great way to reach higher morale & productivity levels in the workplace. It puts the employee in the spotlight, developing a competitive yet enjoyable working environment, leading to an upwards spiral of productive success. Plus, who doesn’t love free rewards?


4. Set Clear & Ambitious Company Goals

Never underestimate the importance of clear, ambitious, and measurable goals. Ensuring your goals are both important and clear to your employees gives them something to strive towards: they’ll see their work as something bigger than themselves.

Not to mention, celebrating the checking-off of key milestones as a group fosters a sense of community & camaraderie, where all members of the team will enjoy working hard towards a central aim.


3. Encourage Regular Rest Breaks

Even just short breaks spaced throughout the day can help to reduce stress and risk of burnout. You get the chance to hit two birds with one stone (metaphorically of course!) Regular breaks prevent morale from shrinking to deadly-low levels while also directly benefiting productivity as a whole.

Don’t worry: as long as it’s kept in moderation, you won’t lose anything in terms of output. Evidence shows us that 9/10 times, a person working longer hours will accomplish less in any given day than a person working shorter hours including regular rest breaks.


2. Keep Hydrated & Stay Well Fed

Going back to basics, one of the most major culprits of low morale & therefore low productivity is poor nutrition. By advising employees to eat healthy, tasty meals and reminding them to keep hydrated throughout the day, you’re not only benefiting their physical wellbeing, but also their cognitive performance.

Their mental health will also see a significant boost, increasing morale, overall satisfaction, and productivity during work hours.


1. Stack up the Benefits with Shared Team Meals

Combining the benefits of both a good diet and regular breaks works like superpowers. Positively enforced team lunches are a must for off-the-charts morale and productivity as a whole. The easiest way to get all these benefits TODAY is to get an experienced, external company to take care of all the hassle for you. You and your team will be left energised, productive, and satisfied, all while working hard to make your company the best it can be.

At Five Food, we’re dedicated to providing extraordinary service and extraordinary food to our clients. Using a range of locally sourced ingredients, all of our meals are guaranteed to be nutritious, tasty, and fairly priced, crafted with both morale & productivity in mind.

A coporate catering buffet event

Remember: productivity & morale play a huge role in determining your business’s success. We hope this list has given you some ideas of the next steps to ensure your company stays on the map for many years to come. Good luck on solving your productivity problem!


If you’re ready to take the next step and solve your problem for good, it’s worth considering corporate catering. If you’re still wondering if it'll work for you, we can only say maybe. Professional office catering will never work for every business. If you’re running an international drug ring, for example, you might have trouble.

But if you’re doing something legal and moral, there’s only 2 possible choices you could make.

Stay unproductive and let your business go under within the next couple years amid rising costs and inflation…

...or take the one step you know you should take.

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